Mac Triage:
List Users
List Users on the system
[["text", "dscl . list /Users"]]
List Groups
List Groups on the system
[["text", "dscl . list /Groups"]]
List Crontabs
List out the crontab locations
[["text", "sudo ls -la /usr/lib/cron/tabs; sudo ls -la /var/at/tabs"]]
Get Detailed Metadata About a file
Sometimes you can use this to get where a file was downloaded from
[["text", "mdls '<filePath>'"]]
Show all processes & locations
[["text", "ps aux"]]
Get all launch agents and their corresponding plist files
Obtain all launch agents and the files they originate from.
[["text", "find /System/Library/Launch* /Library/Launch* /Users/*/Library/Launch* -name '*.plist' -print -exec /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print Label\" {} ';'"]]