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Search VirusTotal

Search virus total for whatever is present in the system clipboard. Your active window must be a browser.

[["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_T"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["text", ""], ["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_V"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["delay", 20], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"]]

Google Translate

Translate whatever is present in the system clipboard using google translate. Your active window must be a browser.

[["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_T"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["text", ""], ["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_V"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["delay", 20], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"]]


Enter the system clipboard into the cyberchef instance located at “” Your active window must be a browser. You may need to adjust the delay if you have a slow internet connection. You can also edit the url with a commonly used recipe if you desire.


[["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_T"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["text", ""], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"], ["delay", 2000], ["tap", "KC_TAB"], ["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_V"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"]]


[["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_T"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["text", ""], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"], ["delay", 2000], ["down", "KC_LSHIFT"], ["tap", "KC_TAB"], ["up", "KC_LSHIFT"], ["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_V"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"]]

Search whatever is present in the system clipboard using google. Your active window must be a browser.

[["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_T"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["text", ""], ["down", "KC_LCTRL"], ["tap", "KC_V"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL"], ["delay", 20], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"]]

Fast Windows Shutdown

Shuts down a windows computer using the win + x method.

[["down", "KC_LGUI"], ["tap", "KC_X"], ["up", "KC_LGUI"], ["delay", 20], ["tap", "KC_U"], ["tap", "KC_U"]]

Launch Admin Powershell

Launches an Admin level Powershell Window. Automatically Accepts UAC Prompt. You may have to adjust the delay for slower computers.

[["down", "KC_LGUI"], ["tap", "KC_R"], ["up", "KC_LGUI"], ["delay", 200], ["text", "powershell.exe"], ["delay", 20], ["down", "KC_LCTRL", "KC_LSHIFT"], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"], ["up", "KC_LCTRL", "KC_LSHIFT"], ["delay", 800], ["tap", "KC_LEFT"], ["tap", "KC_ENTER"]]